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Critical Design Review Meeting

Laura Val

Today, the Critical Design Review Meeting took place with the Consortium, the EUSPA, and the project reviewers.

In this meeting, the Consortium presented the ongoing activities related to the System Desing (WP2) and the dissemination (WP6). Also, two deliverables: D4-Preliminary architecture of the prototype, and the D11-Dissemination plan, were discussed.

In WP2, the architectural and interface design documents for the BANSHEE subsystems have been developed, according to the inputs from previous WPs. Regarding the dissemination activities, the website and social media accounts have been created, as well as a "corporate image" as a project.

This milestone determines the end of the system design work package and overall the definition phase of the project. It also means the start of the core activities of the project: the development phase (WP3) and the commercialization activities.


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